Meet Louise Suchak - Head of Marketing and Communications

Posted on: 3 June 2024

Written by: Louise Suchak

Louise Suchak

Can you tell us a bit about your background?

I have worked in the compliance consulting industry since 2005, when after graduating, with no idea what to do, I found myself in a temp HR administrator role at what was then IMS Consulting a compliance consultancy focused on wholesale firms. I went travelling and when I came back the former CEO of IMS offered me a role to be his PA. It opened my eyes to what goes into running a business and just how hard it is. After a couple of years I moved into a marketing role at IMS, while studying for a Masters in Corporate Communications and completing a dissertation on the reputation of the Hedge Fund industry (it was a great read, I promise!). I really enjoyed it and as the company grew so did my team. I oversaw a couple of rebrands, the biggest when we changed our name to Cordium under new private equity backers. It was then another busy five more years when we became an international company and grew from 16 employees when I started, to 200. I then left for a career change, but I made friends for life during my time there.

My career change was quite radical as I became a secondary school history teacher but after having my children, I got tempted back into marketing with a contract role which worked well around my timetable with a two year old and another on the way. After Covid, Philip our CEO got in touch (we used to work together at Cordium) and here I am!

What excites you about working for Cosegic?

The people and the opportunities. I work with a fantastic team who all work extremely hard and we enjoy working together which makes it fun. In addition, as the company grows we have new learning opportunities all the time, which means we are constantly pushing ourselves. Consequently, things never get boring.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Working with my team and getting big milestones completed, like the rebrand. I love that sense of satisfaction feeling after completing a massive project which had various different strands that all had to come together at the same time for the ultimate goal to be realised.

What is the biggest challenge in your job?

Trying not to overspend my marketing budget!

What are you working on at the moment?

I’m not sure I should answer this as it gives away the element of surprise when we release our new events and content!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Oh gosh, I don’t think there is one that trumps all, as advice completely varies depending on the situation you are in at the time you receive it. I’m a bit of a worrier, so I can safely say that the most frequent piece of advice I’ve been given is ‘Remember worrying gets you nowhere,’ which is 100% true, if only I could take it in!

Describe yourself in three words.

A loyal, leave no stone unturned, Londoner. (Apologies, three words was far too restrictive for me!)

Outside of work, what keeps you busy?

My girl who is 6 and my boy who has just turned 4, so as you might guess I have little time for anything else other than ferrying them around, tidying up after them and getting them to bed.  

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Louise Suchak

Louise is the Head of Marketing and Communications at Cosegic and team leader within the marketing department.

Contact Louise

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