Are you carrying out your new Consumer Duty obligations correctly?

Posted on: 5 December 2023

Written by: Jennifer Cahill

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There has been so much written and said about Consumer Duty in over the past year, you would be forgiven for wanting to draw a (temporary) line under it all. However, tomorrow is an important day for all FCA regulated firms who have been navigating the Consumer Duty journey, as the FCA is hosting a webinar titled ‘Consumer Duty: the Next Steps,’ where, amongst other things, they will be focusing on their supervision and enforcement approach and sector specific areas of focus. 

We will be dissecting the FCA’s feedback from this webinar and what it means for firms in the days after the event. However, ahead of that we thought it is an appropriate time to share our Consumer Duty guide, ‘Are you carrying out your new Consumer Duty obligations correctly?’ which outlines the key measures firms should already be taking out to meet the new Consumer Duty obligations on an ongoing basis. If you are planning on attending the FCA webinar tomorrow, the guide can act as a helpful resource to measure if you are carrying out your new obligations correctly and can also be used as a checklist to ensure you maintain your new obligations going forward.  

Download consumer duty guide

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Jennifer Cahill

Jennifer is an Associate Director at Cosegic.

Contact Jennifer

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